Air-conditioningFor most office buildings, central air-conditioning operates daily during office hours.
Operating hours usually
Weekdays : 8am to 6pm and
Weekend : 8am to 1pm on Saturdays
(Sundays and public holidays excluded).
In some buildings, the hours can be extended subject to a chargeable cost on an hourly basis, vary from $30 -$60 per hour. However, some buildings allow their tenant to install an auxiliary air-conditioning system, which tap chilled or condensing water from the building’s central air-conditioning system to the fan coil or package units within the office premises.
Alternatively, tenant can even install split-units air-conditioning system provided there is area allotted to house the air-con condenser units. Tenant needs to submit for Landlord for approval.
Security Service
In some good grade buildings, 24 hours security-guards system is provided. In addition, closed circuit television (CCTV) surveillance is also provided for public areas such as the main reception lobby, car park, and service roads. Conversely, when the above security service is not available, tenants can install their own security system.